J Biomech Eng. Dec 2016, 138(12): 121004
Method development
The framework resulted in a model with outstanding geometrical detail, demonstrating the feasibility as well as the importance of a framework that is capable of simulating blood flow in physiologically realistic hearts.
Radiology. 2018 Oct;289(1):51-58.
Method validation
Four-dimensional flow CT produced qualitatively and quantitatively similar intracardiac blood flow patterns compared with the current reference standard, four-dimensional flow MRI.
J Biomech. 2021 Feb 12;116:110209.
Prosthetic mitral valve orientation
Using numerical framework, this study demonstrated quantitative changes in left ventricular blood flow due to prosthetic mitral replacement. The framework may be used to improve design of prosthetic heart valves and implantation procedures to minimize the potential for apical flow stasis, and potentially assist personalized treatment planning.

Front Cardiovasc Med. 2023 Aug 15;10:1219021.
Atrial blood stasis in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
With a CFD approach, this study showed that stasis is increased in AF patients even when they are investigated while in sinus rhythm, and is associated with atrial remodeling, which could possibly be the reason for increased stroke risk in the context of atrial cardiomyopathy.
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2024 Mar 1;326(3):H511-H521.
Left atrial flow component analysis
This study showed a new comprehensive approach to atrial blood component analysis that includes both conduit flow and residual volume and compared the flow components of atrial fibrillation (AF) patients in sinus rhythm with controls. Conduit and reservoir flow were similar between the groups, whereas components with longer residence time in the left atrium were increased in the AF group. This could add to the pathophysiological understanding of atrial diseases and possibly clinical management.
Sophia Bäck 1 2, Jonas Lantz 1 2, Iulia Skoda 3 4, Lilian Henriksson 2 4 5, Anders Persson 2 4 5, Lars O Karlsson 3 4, Carl-Johan Carlhäll 1 2 4 6, Tino Ebbers 1 2

Clin Anat. 2023 Apr;36(3):542-549.
Use in medical education
In this study, the use of simultaneous visualization of time-resolved anatomy data and simulated blood flow improved medical students' results, with a particular effect on understanding of cardiac physiology and these simulations may be useful educational tools for teaching complex anatomical and physiological concepts.